(Really cool warcraft fan art by ravenslayer)
When I work on my site or my portfolio, I always want to try to figure out the best way to utilize the web browser as a platform to show off my work. I always wanted to find a great way to display my 3D work in an interactive way. I also wanted to find a way to present interactive 3D models on my mobile devices. It seemed like a big ask and I was willing to write a test bed in unity to do it but then I was recently introduced to this website called p3d.in.
I was floored by the things that could be done with this service! You can upload any obj under 100 mb and apply all sorts of built in webgl shaders with texture maps, specular maps, and normal maps! You can also use advanced shaders like reflective chrome, rubber, and plastic. The best part is that it's free and easy to use and once you publish your work, anyone can view it on their browser in their pc's, macs, linux machines, and smart devices! Awesome if you want to show off your stuff on your phone.
I wanted to make a post just dedicated to this service because it's a serious gem in the internet right now for CG artists and hobbyists. Hit the jump to see some of my work!